Friday, September 13, 2013

Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield - one great songs ever from 1973!!!

Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield - circa 1973 - one of the greatest songs ever.
Remember it, love it and share with your friends.

Do you remember it? What movie was it used in?


Do you know the heart has it's own energy field - love this video

The energy field of our hearts is 50,000 times stronger than our brain and body fields. We all connect there when we are in close vicinity of each other.
The heart chakra is a universal easy method to connect with and can be self taught to send to others!
Many people put up protected walls around this field, and you can actually feel deflected from it, or uncomfortable in its presence. For the people we love, the field is opened and shared. Check it out with the special people in your life.