Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cafe Mocha by Jesse Cook - Love this song

Café Mocha being recorded by Jesse Cook.

Got to love his sound-simply amazing!!!

Wow love this new Chevrolet Stingray

Chevrolet is introducing the Stingray back into the performance car market. Love this new car, and the new look and it gets 30 miles to the gallon!!!
I remember the 63' Stingray-it was incredible and this new car is equally amazing. Check it out on line:


Love this little robot's agility

Check this Youtube video below regarding this little Japanese robot agility.

Simply amazing, and performed perfectly.

Love this:

Monday, July 1, 2013

Tunebox Vibe - Incredible sound - love this gizmo!

I know this You Tube Video is in German, however check out this new Tubebox Vibe Speaker. It is incredible and I love this technology.

You can place the Vibe on a Cheetos tube, glass display case, metal pot, or even on the iPad.  From my tests, it seems the Vibe works best on metal surfaces and anything that allows vibrations to travel. Like the side of your desktop computer.  You can still hear pretty good sounds from denser materials but the thinner the surface is, the better and louder the sound gets.  You might think it’s a bit pricey at $69.95 (direct from Tunebug), but I think it’s worth it because of the great build quality and awesome SurfaceSound technology to create great sounding speakers from any flat surface.

This is definitely on my to purchase list.


Something Amazing yesterday morning.

Something amazing happened early yesterday morning while walking home from exercise. I have been studying Love and the Law of Attraction, and its effects on all your relationships.

I look up in the sky as I walked and a pink heart shaped balloon comes floating by. Stopping to view as it floated effortlessly across the sky, I felt an amazing sense of how powerful the Law of Love is to all of us.

We would not exist without Love-none of us would!! Love and the Law of Attraction effects all of our relationships. It has never fails.

Refreshing Summer Drink !!!!

Body Thirst Quencher

From my Friend Joel Ying, MD
Thought you would enjoy it......

Basil Lemonade
by Dr. Joel Ying, MD

Refresh yourself from the summer heat with this tantalizing combination of flavors. Adjust the proportions to your taste.

1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 cups water
1 cup ice
large handful of basil (or to taste)

Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
Garnish and